"When a heart connects with another heart, it connects to all hearts."

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”.
Luke 12:34

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This is a personal web site for the musings and interests of James Andrew Barrett

Index - The Home or Welcome page to my site.

Screen Play - The Silent Gospel - History of the Shroud professionally crafted script, a docudrama using the scaffolding of a silent war 800 year old battle over truth, the Shrouds history to decode the silent testament embedded for this period of technical sophistication.

Script Background - a short overview of the scripts background information.

Silent Gospel - The authored book call The Silent Gospel - Science of Divinity - Creation of the Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin - Over view on the archeological relic held in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, Turin Italy.

Shroud Research Papers and Resources: books-papers-authors videos

Shroud News: Recent Developments of interest

Shroud Image Controversy: Recent media driven discussions revolving two topics, have brought back into the lime-light the old issue of whether Leonardo da Vinci was the creator of the Shroud of Turin.

Rainbow - Introduction to the "final" or "Great Completion."

Rainbow2 - The more detailed discussion on the topic of the mystical process / event.

Incorruptible - Incorruptibility is the property of a body that does not decompose after death. Such a body is sometimes referred to as incorrupt or incorruptible (adjective) or as an incorruptible (noun). Incorruptibility is seen as distinct form of preservation, it is not mummification in any respect.

Human Potentiality - The vast range of an amazing things humans have done with and through their bodies.

Heart - A natural intelligence that bypasses our genetic gifts, IQ, age, cultural conditioning, and education, an intelligence we might call intelligence of the heart.

Compassion - Compassion is the transfiguration of dualism. It is the only emotional state not anchored in separated self, by its nature it is selfless.

Realization - Reality is an ineffable state or realization. It is not a physical nor mental state. Awakening or Illumination to the reality is Realization.

Sacred Geometry - What make Sacred Geometry sacred, and what does wave-geometry have to do with ascension!

Media Press Kit - Information for media - Contact Information

James - Personal page and related links - Contact Information